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Persian Rug

“Click to watch the video” Owning a Persian Rug is considered a sign of prestige and luxury, as they are highly desirable by collectors, interior designers, and discerning homeowners worldwide. These rugs can transform a room, adding a touch of elegance, warmth, and a sense of history. Whether displayed as a centrepiece or used to complement existing decor, it brings timeless beauty and a touch of the exotic to any space. It is not only cherished for its beauty but

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Art in marketing

Art can have tremendous impact on all aspects of life and marketing is part of our todays life. Every second we are being encountered with a new advertising, new brands and what makes it unique and stick to our mind is only art since art is not just touching the eye, it touches our soul. Ancient cave paintings, marvelously huge buildings, finely crafted renaissance statues, and modern graffiti murals may all seem vastly different. However, they all have one thing

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